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SACNAS 2020 Workshop

Creating our own spaces of inclusion: Advocating for equity by women graduate students of color in predominantly white STEM fields

Welcome to our SACNAS 2020 workshop!


This session is scheduled for Thursday, 10/22/2020,

from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m, Pacific Time (PDT), UTC -7


During this session, panelists from the CEOAS Professional Learning Community, including the co-founders and current organizers, will share the process of establishing a learning community as an effort to create spaces of inclusion in fields historically dominated by white men.


In addition to sharing lessons learned and ongoing challenges over the last 3 years, this session will…

  • Provide graduate students and early career professionals with approaches for encouraging constructive conversations about equity and social justice in STEM disciplines.

  • Invite participants to imagine and think of how to realize social justice outcomes at their respective institutions.


​All students, regardless of level, are encouraged to attend! vMeet details to come. Please let us know about your interest by filling out the form to register for the session:

Workshop Registration

See you at at SACNAS!


(Is this registration form required?


No. You will be able to join the workshop on the 22nd by finding us through the official SACNAS program. We encourage registration so that we can send out updates to participants about vMeet details, distribute workshop materials ahead of time, and answer any questions before the session.)

Flyer to share:

Please distribute to anyone who may be interested!

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